Find here some of the most frequently asked questions about BC Tool.
It’s a very simple tool but, at the same time, very complex and sophisticated in the results it produces. The tool is also complemented with strategic support and monitoring consultancy to ensure its efficient and effective applicability.
BC Tool is a versatile tool that adapts to any type of project. From the largest to the most complex projects, the tool allows you to have all the details necessary. From small projects to the fastest or even idea evaluation, the tool allows a fast application (less than 1 hour) to get results.
Yes. It can be applied to all types of initiatives or projects, whether they are to increase revenues, reduce costs, increase efficiency, compliance and even social economy.
In the BC Tool implementation is included support consultancy during the first projects. However, we are always available to answer your questions.
In addition to integrating all aspects of analysis and decision foreseen in a Business Case, BC Tool also integrates predictive algorithms, statistical analysis and machine learning, for projects or initiatives to be evaluated, giving it intelligence and self-learning with previous initiatives in history department or organization.
Not being mandatory, it is strongly recommended that anyone who will interact frequently with the tool, masters the basic concepts of Business Case. We offer several tailor-made solutions, from free webinars, certified training, implementation support consulting plans with training on the job and on-call and on-demand assistance, remote or in person.
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BC Tool
by Winning Scientific Management
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