Industry: Services (Social Innovation & Circular Economy) | Client: Skillent
It is a company that operates in the field of Social Innovation. Social Innovation offers entrepreneurial solutions designed for social problems, being more effective, efficient and sustainable than existing solutions. It develops skills in the area of social investment, increases the generation of impact and the creation of value and social return.
Social Innovation aims to support Innovation Initiatives and Social Entrepreneurship (IIES). These are distinct solutions to society’s problems with proven positive impact, superior to existing solutions taking into account the opportunity cost of the resources used. Ideally it should be a simple solution in design, replicable and based on cheap, abundant resources or highly scalable resources and business models.
Social Innovation is thus the successful result of the social entrepreneurship process, having as priority focus financing the dissemination of social innovations.
The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiatives encompass projects that propose innovative responses, due to their potential for impact and finance sustainability. The IIES intends to demonstrate in the long run that they generate more value than the existing traditional responses.
We have been carrying out, in partnership with Skillent, the training of different Social Innovation projects:
Additionally, it has been providing specialized training in:
These projects have been elaborated for a very diverse set of entities, in sectors as different as education, health or culture, among other examples:
The problems and challenges of each of these projects have to do with the elaboration of the value creation model, and its methodology; the need to evaluate the impact on the different stakeholders of each IIES, calculating the SROI; and the definition of the growth strategy, and through partnerships.
The main value elements created in these partnerships are
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